log.py 1.9 KB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = 'hubian'

import logging
from os.path import realpath, dirname
from logging import config, DEBUG, INFO

class Log(object):
    """Wrapper of Python logging module for easier usage

        from hackathon.log import log

        log.info("message of INFO level ")
        log.error(exception) # where exception is of type Exception or it inheritances

    .. notes:: make sure directory '/var/log/open-hackathon/' exists and accessible

    def debug(self, debug):
        """write message into log file with DEBUG level

        :type debug: str|unicode
        :param debug: message to write
        if self.logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):

    def info(self, info):
        """write message into log file with INFO level

        :type info: str|unicode
        :param info: message to write
        if self.logger.isEnabledFor(INFO):

    def warn(self, warn):
        """write message into log file with WARN level

        :type warn: str|unicode
        :param warn: message to write

    def error(self, exception):
        """write exception message and stack trace into log file with ERROR level

        :type exception: Exception
        :param exception: exception to write
        self.logger.error(str(exception), exc_info=1)

    def critical(self, critical):
        """write message into log file with FATAL level

        :type critical: str|unicode
        :param critical: message to write

    def __init__(self):
        """initialize the log wrapper through 'logging.conf' file which should be in the same dir of this file"""
        logging.config.fileConfig("%s/logging.conf" % dirname(realpath(__file__)))
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("myLogger")